Saturday, October 4, 2008

Manga Man

Well this image that I have posted took me a bit out of my comfort zone. I normally do not draw something with this sort of content. I drew this as a design for one of my friends birthday card. She loves to read manga and some of those happen to be romance or also known as SHOJO. So as a gag I drew this and showed her a rough of the drawing just to make sure that she would be alright with this type of card. I also showed it to other people and got mixed reactions. All good, I think, but anyways besides the content of the image I like how it came out and it did make people laugh or at least giggle. :) I hope that you all enjoy my current piece since I haven't posted anything for a few months now.


Sarah Satrun said...

:D that's just soo funny!

Amada Rosas said...

LOL, yeah, luckily she loved the card. :)