Thursday, June 30, 2011

Quick Sketch Pilates

I've been going to Pilates and last night the teacher was super tough bc we have no class on Mon, due to 4th of July, so she had us do a tougher work out. I think I might of been frowning all through out the workout.

Quick Sketch Raccoon

Feeling really motivated to sketch this week. Here is another quick digital sketch.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Quick Sketch Dancers

Decided to do some quick sketching today. There are obvious proportions issues but it's a start. I've been watching a show called, So You Think You Can Dance, and I love to see what people are capable of doing with their bodies, how they move their bodies to express certain moods and the fluidity of it. :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Alright!!! I was given permission to use this on my portfolio. I worked on the logo design that they us in the begging and end of the project called TOWING, including it was incorporated into the Sand Animation. It was for a non for profit organization. Here is the link:

Well they changed it so I will say that it was the logo that was incorporated into the Sand Animation at the end. No longer at the start or end.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sneak Peek #2

Here is another sneak peek at another character in the story, but he is not quite the design that I want him to be but he is getting there. :) Stay tuned for more!!!